Do you want an awesome custom ticket bot? Read this page for all the info you need!
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Do you want an awesome custom ticket bot? Read this page for all the info you need!
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The BotGhost ticket system allows you to setup tickets which makes it possible to your server members to interact with you and others in a private channel.
The 'Ping Roles' option is a toggleable option that will ping all roles that have access to tickets in the ticket creation message. When toggled off, it will not ping these roles. When toggled on, it will ping these roles. If large amounts of tickets are coming in rapidly, this isn't recommended.
Ticket Access Roles are the roles that will have permissions to view and respond to your tickets. They will have access to every ticket and will be pinged in the ticket message if you have Ping Roles enabled in your settings.
Blacklisted roles will prevent the specified role(s) from creating tickets. This is very useful to prevent spammers from creating tickets for no reason. If you would like to add this, simply add your role of choice to the list. After adding this role, anybody with it will no longer be able to create tickets and will be shown an error message.
Ticket Transcripts will transcript of the tickets conversation inside of a HTML file. Once you open up this HTML file, you will be able to view the entire tickets existence and chat activity. This will give you a very detailed representation of the ticket.
The Default Ticket Category will be the category that all new tickets get created in. With this, you can easily sort the tickets from all other channels. If you want the channels to be created at the top of the list with no category, just simply leave this blank.
Extra Ticket Categories are categories that you can have your members pick from. When picked, different ticket categories will be sent into different server categories depending on the ticket category selected. This will help immensely for helping you sort your tickets for different ticket inquiries.
The Log Ticket Events option will, when toggled on, log all ticket events that occur. When this is toggled off, it won't log any ticket events. This is perfect for moderating and reviewing tickets if needed.
A specific Ticket Logging Channel is necessary when having ticket logs. Therefore, we have a ticket logging channel option. Once selecting a channel from the list, all logs to tickets will be sent to that channel, this includes new tickets, deleted tickets, etc.
A Modal Title is the title or header of a modal. A Modal is a Discord form that you can fill out to do plenty of different things, in this case, a ticket. To change the title of the Modal, you can change it right here in the Settings!
The Modal Description is the description for the modal that appears when creating a ticket, if selected. You can easily change this description by doing so in the Ticket Settings, after you've changed this the modal description will change to your choice!
Open a ticket with an optional reason and category
Closes a ticket
Adds a user to the ticket
Removes a user from the ticket
The trigger is the initial keyword that sets off the command. Without changing this, it will be /tickets
. If you did change this to any other word, commands would be /keyword create
, /keyword close
, /keyword add-user
, /keyword remove-user
and so on. If you would like to change this, just enter in any keyword you would like and ticket commands will now start using that keyword at the start of every ticket command!
The /ticket create
command will open a ticket with your specified reason. You can display different categories so that your members can choose from one of them and create a ticket under it. All of this information will be automatically sent to the ticket channel that has just been created. You may change the permissions needed to close it by doing so in the ticket module settings.
The /ticket close
command will close a ticket if anyone with access to this ticket channel uses this command. However, you may change the permissions needed to close it by doing so in the ticket module settings. After executing the command, the bot will send a prompt asking if you would like to go through with the deletion of the ticket.
The /ticket add-user
command will drag a member into the ticket, therefore this user having access to this ticket channel you have executed the command in. You may add as much members as needed to solve the ticket. You may change the permissions needed to close it by doing so in the ticket module settings.
The /ticket remove-user
command will remove a user from the ticket, this can be the ticket creator or one of the members you've added using the /ticket add-user
command. Useful for bringing users in and out of the chat when needed. You may change the permissions needed to close it by doing so in the ticket module settings.
/ticket-admin create-panel <title> <description> <button-text> <modal> <category>
Creates a new Ticket Panel
The trigger is the initial keyword that sets off the command. Without changing this, it will be /tickets-admin
. If you did change this to any other word, commands would be /keyword create-panel.
If you would like to change this, just enter in any keyword you would like and ticket commands will now start using that keyword at the start of every ticket command!
The /tickets-admin create-panel
command will create a ticket panel, only admins can use this command. This will send a ticket message to a channel with a button attached to create a ticket. You can choose to make it a modal which is like a short form in Discord, or you can make it a Default panel which will just create a channel. When activated with the modal option enabled, a modal will appear and you can fill it out with all of the information needed. This will create a channel with this information, many people may then chat in this channel talking about or solving the issue.
The /tickets-admin blacklist-add
command will add a user to the ticket blacklist. If you don't want certain users to be able to create tickets, just run this command and have them blacklisted instantly. You'll still be able to add this user to tickets with the /ticket add-user
command, they just can't create tickets.
The /tickets-admin blacklist-remove command will remove any blacklisted user from creating commands. If you want to revert a blacklist, just run this command and this user will no longer be blacklisted. The specified user can now create tickets again!
Experiencing issues with the ticket module or do you just need help? Check out our support options here!