Currency Condition

Execute actions based on the user's currency balance.

The 'Economy' module needs to be activated for this condition to work!

Run multiple actions

If numerous conditions are met, the condition should perform multiple actions.

User Target

Which user should have their currency balance checked. Check the table below:


User who used the command

Check the roles of the user who executed the command.

User Option

Check the roles of the selected user in the User Option field.

User ID

Check the roles of a discord member via the ID previously provided.

Currency Amount

The quantity of money required for this circumstance.

Condition Type

The comparison type for this condition. Including, Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater than, Greater than or equal to, Equal to, Doesnt equal to.

Click the Add Condition block to add the block to your builder.

Last updated

Change request #491: Adding Suggestions Page