Easily verify new server members with Captcha, number inputs and more!
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Easily verify new server members with Captcha, number inputs and more!
Last updated
Note: This module makes use of the data storage and will use data calls to run. Information about the data storage can be found here.
The verification module lets you setup a extra level of protection for your server to stop bots from joining and causing potential chaos. You can configure the module on the dashboard by heading to the modules section and finding the 'Verification' module.
Here you can edit the modules basic settings such as the verification type, the messages and roles that are granted upon successful verification.
Verification Type: Here you can edit the type of verification to set, the pre set type is set to Captcha Text Input but you can change it to:
Captcha Text Input
Number Input
Basic Button Press
Default Channel: Here you can select the channel the verification panel is set to, make sure this is a channel that everyone can see as this is where new users will verify.
Verified Role: Here you can select the role to grant users who pass the verification process.
Verification Menu: Here you can edit the verification panel message, this is what is sent to the default channel for users to verify with. By default it is an embed message however can be changed to a plain text message by using the toggle switch in the top right corner of the embed preview.
Button Name: Here you can set the text that is displayed in the button users press to start the verification process.
Logging Channel: Here you can select a channel to set verification logs to, the bot will send failed and success logs to this channel if you have one selected.
Here you can edit the extra settings for the module, these settings are extra cool functions to really make it uniqe.
Success Message: Here you can set the message that is displayed to users upon successful completion of the verification process.
Allowed Attempts: Here you can define a number of attempts a user has to get the verification process correct, users will be kicked if they reach the max amount of failed attempts. You can leave this section blank to disable the auto-kick feature.
Time Limit: Here you can set a time limit users have to complete the verification process, by default this is disabled but you can set a custom time limit by entering numbers into this section. After the time expires the user will be kicked from the server.
Here you can find both of the commands used for the verification module and edit them to your liking.
/Verification-Setup: When triggered this command will post the verification panel in the channel you selected in the settings above. Here you can edit this command to your liking or add to existing features that come with the module.
/Verification-Add: When triggered this command will manually verify the user selected, this allows them to skip the verification process and gain the defined verified role without doing the verification. Here you can edit this command to your liking or add to existing features that come with the module.
Here you can find both of the event used for the verification module and edit it to your liking.
Auto-Kick: This event tracks the failed attempts and time the user is in the server, the event will trigger when the limit has been reached as defined via the settings for the module and kick the user from the server. Here you can edit this event to your liking or add to existing features that come with the module.
Warning: it's advised that you do not edit the event & commands unless you have a good understanding of BotGhost and the Custom Event Builder/Command Builder. You can always reset the module to default if you should happen to make a mistake while editing the event or commands.