Interact with the OpenAI ChatGPT API using commands and auto-reply.

This module requires a Premium Subscription to function.

The ChatGPT module allows users to hold conversations with their bot by using the OpenAI GPT 3.5 Turbo - GPT 4 software. Get it to tell you stories or ask some advanced questions.

Credentials Setup

  1. Click here to get started. Log into OpenAI. If you haven't already, Open AI might ask you to verify your phone number before proceeding.

  1. Once you logged in, click on the "Create new secret key button.

  1. This will prompt you to make a key. Set Owned by "You" and give your app a name. Set the "Permissions" to all. Once done, click on "Create Secret Key"

  1. Copy your key. Make sure to not share it with anyone.

  1. Paste your key into the BotGhost Dashboard in the OpenAI API Key field.



In this area, you can configure all of the important parts of this module, from entering your API key to setting the version type.

OpenAI API Key

In this field is where you will need to enter your OpenAI API key to be able to use the module, you can follow this guide here, to generate your own API key.


Here you can select the AIs model, you can select from 3 different models.


With this toggle you can enable / disable an auto response from the bot if it gets mentioned in the Chatmode Channel.

Chatmode Channel

Here you can set the channel in which the bot will automatically reply to its @mentions with a ChatGPT-generated reply if the setting is enabled.


In this area, you can view and modify the commands of the ChatGPT module. Below you may find some information on each command of the module.


This command when triggered, will send an AI-generated chat response to whatever prompt you input.


This command when triggered will edit any text that is input.


In this area, you can view and modify the events of the ChatGPT module. Below you may find some information on each event of the module.


This is the only event for the GPT module, it handles all the auto responses from the AI and more. You can edit the event to add new additions, fine tune responses and much more.

It's advised that you do not edit the commands and events unless you have a good understanding of BotGhost and its Command Builder. If you encounter any issues, you might want to reset the module for it to work again as intended.

Additionally, a copy of the edited commands / events will be created if you update the module.

Last updated