
Change the "Listening to 👻 Made with 👻" status to something of your own!

This module requires a Premium Subscription to function.

The Status module allows you to change the status on your bot to something of your own. You can also configure a command that allows you to change it directly from your server.


Status Mode and Settings

Status Mode

This setting allows you to set the status mode you prefer. Below you may find some information on each mode.

When selecting this option, the status of the bot will be disabled, and no status will be shown in the bot's profile.


In this area, you can view and modify the commands of the Status module. Below you may find some information on each command of the module.


The /status command allows you to update or reset the status of the bot from your Discord server. The "Command" mode is required to be enabled in the settings page of the module.


In this area, you can view and modify the events of the Status module. Below you may find some information on each event of the module.

Restarts Handler

This event updates the status of the bot when it is restarted.

Updates Handler

This event makes sure the status is updated when changes are saved or the status is updated through the dashboard.

Rotating Status Handler

This timed event allows the rotating status feature to work as intended and update the status when the set time has passed. Make sure to not delete the associated timed event in the timed events module.

It's advised that you do not edit the commands and events unless you have a good understanding of BotGhost and its Command Builder. If you encounter any issues, you might want to reset the module for it to work again as intented.

Additionally, a copy of the edited commands / events will be created if you update the module.

Last updated