Send or Edit a Message
The Send or Edit a Message action lets you send a message or edit an already existing message with content, embeds, or components.
Message Builder
The Message Builder allows you to create a message for your bot to send when the action is ran. Your message must have either content, valid embeds, or components.
Message Content
The message content is the plain text attached to your message, has a max of 2000 characters. It can contain mentions that will ping the user / role. However, if the Response Type is set to a reply, no ping will be issued.
Embeds are a stylish way to show content with your bot. Below you may find information on each part of an embed.
Basic Fields
Embed Color
Fields are a type of content you can add right below the description of your embed. You can add up to 25 fields per embed, and give each one a name and a value
Click "Add Field" in your embed's settings to add a new field. Below you may find a list of all settings you can use for your field.
Response Type
The send or edit a message action offers multiple response types, which allow you to decide where and how your message should be sent. There are 4 categories of response types, all of them are listed and explained below.
The message will simply reply to the command / event or the most recent interaction.
The message will reply to a specific message and ping the author of the message it replies to.
The message will be sent to the channel where the command was used in, the event was triggered in or the last interaction was triggered in.
Reply to the command
The message will simply reply to the command / event or the most recent interaction.
Reply to a specific message
The message will reply to a specific message and ping the author of the message it replies to.
Channel ID
Here you can set the ID of the channel where the message you're replying to is in. You can do this by pasting an ID directly from Discord (learn how here) or using a variable that returns a channel ID. These can be easily added through the variable selector by clicking the Clipboard button.
Message ID
Here you can set the ID of the message the message will reply to. You can do this by pasting an ID directly from Discord (learn how here) or using a variable that returns a message ID. These can be easily added through the variable selector by clicking the Clipboard button.
Send the message to the channel the command was used in
The message will be sent to the channel where the command was used in, the event was triggered in or the last interaction was triggered in.
Optional Variable
You can also create your own variable that can be used anywhere in the command to get the ID of the message sent by the action. This is useful when using Send an API Request in your command / event and you need the ID of the message. Make sure that the name of the variable does not correspond to the name of a default variable or of an another action.
You can copy the variable by clicking the clipboard icon in the section right below the optional variable field.
Adding Components
In order to add a button or select menu to your message, you must click on either of the buttons on your "Send or Edit a Message" action block.
Adding a Button
If you would like to add a button, you must press the button in the bottom left of your block with the plus sign titled "Button". After you press this, a button will be added to your message and will be attached to it. For more information about buttons, check out the Button page.
Adding a Select Menu
If you would like to add a select menu, you must press the button in the bottom right of your block with the plus sign titled "Menu". After you press this, a select menu will be added to your message and will be attached to it. For more information about Select Menus, check out the Select Menu page.
Requirements and Limits
Inside of your message, there are requirements and limits that Discord has in place. Your message must follow these requirements and limits in order for it to function properly.
Your message must include valid message content, an embed, or a component in order for your message to send.
You may only have up to 10 embeds on your message.
The total number of characters in the title, description,, field.value, footer.text, and fields across all embeds in a message must not go above 6000 characters.
When adding an embed, at least one of the following fields is required: title, description, or author.
If you have a footer icon, you must have footer text.
If you have a author icon, you must have a author text.
Each embed field requires a title and some content.
Single spaces cannot bypass any of the requirements listed above.
You can only have up to 5 action rows.
You can only have up to 5 buttons per row.
You can only have 1 select menu per row.
You can't have a select menu and a button in the same row.
Last updated