Emoji Manager

Create, edit and copy emojis on your server with ease!

This module requires a Premium Subscription to function.

The Emoji Manager module will allow you to view a list of custom emojis, create a new one in your server, restrict the use of an existing emoji, and copy an emoji from a different server to yours.


Permissions Setup

This section is how you can configure all the permission based necessities for the emoji commands.

Sync Default Permissions

This option when enabled, will force users to have the manage expressions permission along with the role based permissions in the rest of the settings.

Role Permissions: Selection Type


Only selected roles

If this option is selected then only the selected roles in the field below will be allowed to use the emoji manager commands.

All roles except

If this option is chosen instead, then all roles in the field below will be the ones which aren't able to use the commands, and the rest of the server roles can.

Role Permissions: Roles

This field is where you can specify and select the server roles that are going to be applied towards the setting above.

Commands Setup

Define how many emojis should display while using the /emojis-view command, enable logging, and select the desired channel.

Emojis-View: Emojis per Page

This field is where you can input the amount of emojis shown when using the emoji-view command. There is a maximum of 25 emojis and this field only accepts integers.

Enable Logging

Enable this option to log all actions / changes applied to your server's emoji in a channel. This includes the usage of all commands except /emojis-view.

Logging Channel

Select a channel in which actions of the module will be logged. This setting is only visible with Enable Logging enabled.


In this area, you can view and modify the commands of the Emoji Manager module. Below you may find some information on each command of the module.


This command allows you to view all created emojis that were made via this module and other server emojis.


With this command you can create emojis and add them to the server's emojis.


This command will restrict certain users based off the roles they have from using the commands.


This command can copy an emoji from another server and upload it to your server.

It's advised that you do not edit the commands and events unless you have a good understanding of BotGhost and its Command Builder. If you encounter any issues, you might want to reset the module for it to work again as intended.

Additionally, a copy of the edited commands / events will be created if you update the module.

Last updated