Emoji Manager

Create, edit, and copy emojis for your server!

The Emoji Manager module will allow you to view a list of custom emojis, create a new one in your server, restrict the use of an existing emoji, and copy an emoji from a different server to yours. You can also set default and role permissions, settings for the /emojis-view command, and enable logging. You can configure the module on the dashboard by heading to the modules section and finding the 'Emoji Manager' module.

Permissions Setup

Enable, disable, and select the permissions required to run the emoji-manager commands.

Sync Default Permissions: Enable or disable if users require to have the Manage Expressions permission on top of the role permissions below.

Role Permissions: Selection Type: Select whether you want to allow all roles except the ones below or only the roles you choose.

Role Permissions: Roles: Specify the roles you want to allow access for, or blacklist from using the commands based on your selection above.

Commands Setup

Define how many emojis should display while using the /emojis-view command, enable logging, and select the desired channel.

Emojis-View: Emojis per Page: Choose the amount of emojis you wish to display per page while using the /emoji-view command. Maximum of 25.

Enable Logging: Enable or disable whether you want to log emoji actions to a certain channel.

Logging Channel: Select the channel that will be set to log successful emoji creations, edits, or copies.


Find the commands for the Emoji Manager module and modify them. This will allow you to fine-tune the commands to your liking. You can also enable or disable the custom commands.

/emojis-view: Check a list of custom server emojis.

/emoji-create: Create a new custom emoji for your server using an uploaded image.

/emoji-restrict: Restrict the use of custom server emojis based on roles.

/emoji-copy: Copy an emoji from a different server to upload it to yours.

Last updated