Invite Tracker

Track how many new members are invited by specific members of your community!

The 'Invite Tracker' module will enable members of your community to retrieve leaderboards and specific member statistics for individuals they invite.

Module Settings

Counter Settings

Here is how to configure specific messages sent when a new member is invited, along with the message content.

Update Message Type: This is where the type of message sent can be set. A direct message, channel message, or no message can be sent when a new member is invited to your server.

Update Channel: This will allow you to choose the channel to which the message should be sent.

Update Message: This will allow you to choose whether you want a plain text or embed message to be sent, and to customize the content of the plain text or embed message.

Note: The 'Update Message' field will only be visible when the 'Message to Channel' or 'No Message' message type is selected.

Ignored Roles: This will allow you to set roles that will be ignored by the tracker. When members are invited by people with this role, the count won't go up.

Filter Suspicious Invites: This will not increase the count when a member with a low account age is invited.

Minimal Account Age: This is how you set the minimum account age needed to not flag the invite as suspicious.

Hide Left Inviters: When the leaderboard is gathered, members who have left your server won't be put on the leaderboard.

Register Leaves: When enabled, this will subtract from the invite count when an invited member leaves your server.

Reward Settings

Here is how to setup roles to be given to members when they meet a certain amount of people invited. You can have up to 10 rewards.

Required Invite Count: This is how many people need to be invited by a member for the role in this reward to be given.

Role Reward: The role to be given when the required invite count is met or gone beyond. Only 1 role can be selected per reward.

Note: To create new rewards press the red 'Add' button in the bottom right corner.


Pressing on the commands below will give you the ability to edit the contents of the commands.

invites: Check your or another member's invite count.

invites-leaderboard: Display a leaderboard of members with the most invited members to your server.


Pressing on the events below will give you the ability to edit the contents of the events.

Invites Handler: Edits the count for when a new user is invited to your server.

Leaves Handler: Edits the count for when a new user is removed from your server.

Warning: It's suggested that the event or commands are not edited unless you have a good understanding of BotGhost and the Custom Event & Custom Commands Builder. You can always reset the module to default if you happen to make a mistake while editing the event/commands. You may do so with the red button at the top of the module page.

Last updated