Get detailed information and log all your server events
Server Logging
Using server logging you can log almost all events that happen in a server. This can be used to easily keep up with moderation. This can log a variety of different actions taken in a server, you may find a list to every current logging possibility in the list below. The logged messages will provide the username, user ID, a timestamp, and the action logged.
Logging channel?
This channel will be your main channel for logging actions. Here you can find all the logs that the bot has sent!
Enable or disable all events?
This will enable all the logging events so you don't have to manually do it. By enabling this it will send all listed logs to the specified channel, and disabling it will disable all of them.
Event logging?
Below you can find a list with all logging options explained!
Event logged | Description |
Log when a message is deleted in your server. (This will log the deleted message) | |
Log edited messages that occur in your server. (This will show the original message then the edited one) | |
Log messages that get pinned in your server. | |
Log when your server settings are updated. (Server Icon, Server Name, etc.) | |
Log when a new user joins your server. | |
Log user leaves your server. | |
Log when a member is updated. (Username, Nickname, User Icon, etc.) | |
Log when a user creates a server event. | |
Log when a user deletes a server event. | |
Log when a user updates a server event. | |
Log when a user is given a role. | |
Log when a users role is removed. | |
memberNicknameUpdate | Log when a user's nickname is updated. (This is their server nickname) |
userAvatarUpdate | Log when a user updates their Avatar. (user Icon) |
userUsernameUpdate | Log when a user updates their username. (This is their Discord username not a server Nickname) |
userDiscriminatorUpdate | Log when a user updates their Discriminator. (This is their #1234 number after their username) |
channelCreate | Log when a channel is created. |
channelRemove | Log when channel is deleted. |
channelUpdate | Log when a channel is updated. (Channel Name, Perms, Topic, etc.) |
roleCreate | Log when a role is created. |
roleDelete | Log when a role is deleted. |
roleUpdate | Log when a role is updated. (Name, Color, Perms, etc.) |
emojiCreate | Log when an emoji is added. |
emojiDelete | Log when an emoji is deleted. |
emojiUpdate | Log when an emoji is updated. (Name, Position, etc.) |
threadCreate | Log when a thread is created. |
threadDelete | Log when a thread is deleted. |
threadUpdate | Log when a thread is updated. (Name, Add/Remove Users, etc.) |
vcJoin | Log when a user joins a Voice Channel. |
vcLeave | Log when a user leaves a Voice Channel. |
vcSwitch | Log when a user moves to a new Voice Channel |
vcMute | Log when a user is muted from speaking in Voice Channels. |
vcUnmute | Log when a user is unmuted and is allowed to speak again in Voice Channels. |
vcDeafen | Log when a user is Deafened from Voice Channels. (They can not hear or speak) |
vcUndeafen | Log when a user's Deafen is removed. |
guildBoostLevelUp | Log when your booster level goes up. (This is added when users boost to a new tier) |
guildBoostLevelDown | Log when your booster level is lost. (This is when users unboosts from your server causing you to lose a tier) |
guildPartnerAdd | Log when your server gains Partner. (You will need to apply for partner via the Server Community Screen) |
guildPartnerRemove | Log when your server looses it's partner mode. (This is done by Discord and not controlled by BotGhost) |
guildMemberBoost | Log when a user boosts your server. (Users can do this with Nitro) |
guildMemberUnBoost | Log when a user removes a boost from your server. |
guildBanAdd | Log when a user is banned from your server. |
Make sure to restart your bot after setting up the logging module, this way you make sure all logs have been added to the bot!
Last updated