Frequently Asked Questions
On this page you can find a couple FAQs that might answer your question quickly!
This page will allow you to get a speedy answer to a frequently asked question you have. To view a frequently asked question, browse the headers panel displayed on the right-hand side and select the question you'd like to learn more about!
How can I fix the "Integration Requires Code Grant" error when inviting my bot?
To resolve this error, follow these steps:
Head to the Discord Developer Portal and select your bot.
From the left-hand panel, head to the Bot tab.
Scroll down to the "Integration Requires Code Grant" toggle and disable it.
Head back to the BotGhost Dashboard and click the Invite button again.
How can I create prefix/text commands or change my prefix?
Unfortunately, prefix commands are no longer supported due to policy changes by Discord. BotGhost uses slash /
commands, which are built into and supported by Discord directly to allow for better functionality and more features. At the moment, we are not planning to change this. Learn more.
How can I get free premium?
By joining the BotGhost support server, you may be eligible for a chance to earn free premium in any of the following channels:
#🎁┃giveaways allows you to enter weekly lifetime premium giveaways.
#🆓┃free-premium allows you to learn how to get 24 hours of free premium on one bot.
#👷┃server-applications may offer opportunities for accepted applicants to earn free premium. This may not apply to all applications.
All of these methods are subject to change.
How can I fix the " thinking" message when running a custom command?
Custom commands will respond with "Bot name is thinking..." when your command does not have a reply message. Your command must include a Send or Edit a Message block with the reply to the command response type to avoid this response. All blocks in your command will remain fully functional regardless of this response.
How can I fix my bot when it goes offline or has another issue?
To resolve common issues like an offline bot, you can restart your bot or reset your bot's token. Additionally, if you're a premium member, disabling beta features can often resolve issues with your bot. Bots that have not been upgraded to a premium subscription may go offline after 48 hours of inactivity.
How can I use custom code inside my bot's commands and events?
BotGhost is a no-code Discord bot builder, and therefore it is not possible to add custom code in your bot. To build a custom system with your bot, you must use the no-code Command & Event Builder. At the moment, we are not planning to change this.
How can I transfer an active premium subscription and bots?
Users with an active Premium Subscription, excluding free premium, can transfer their premium subscription and bots by creating a Billing & Subscription Ticket.
How can I reset my bot token?
To reset your bot token, follow these steps:
Head to the Discord Developer Portal and select your bot.
From the left-hand panel, head to the Bot tab.
Scroll down to the blue Reset Token button and click it.
Complete any confirmations or two-factor authentication pop-ups that appear, then click the Copy button below your new bot token.
Paste your new bot token in the bot token setting on the BotGhost dashboard
How can I fix the dashboard when it infinitely loads or has another issue?
If you're experiencing an issue like infinite loading while utilizing the BotGhost Dashboard, you can usually resolve it by clearing your browser cache for the BotGhost website. Click on any of the links below for an official support article on clearing cache specific to your browser.
Not seeing your browser in the list above? Try using a search engine to look up how to clear cached data with your browser.
How can I send feedback, suggestions, and bug reports to BotGhost's team?
To send your feedback and reports to BotGhost, you can join our Discord server and navigate to the appropriate channels for the type of information you'd like to send. Be sure to read through the information provided in that channel before sending your post.
Question Not Listed
If you can't find your question anywhere on this page, it might be listed somewhere else in the documentation. To find it, you can use the search bar in the top-right corner to look up keywords for your question. If you still can't find the answer to your question, please check out the BotGhost Support page where you can find the assistance you need.
Last updated
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