
Automatically send a reply to server messages, based on keywords!

The Autoresponder module will allow you to set keywords that will trigger a response from the bot. This can be from a simple "hello" to a whole sentence under the settings you select. You can configure the module on the dashboard by heading to the modules section and finding the 'Autoresponder' module.

New Autoresponder Message

Customise the trigger detection type and the keywords of the autoresponder.

Trigger Detection Type: Define how the bot should handle the trigger keywords, whether the message contains, is equal to, starts with, or ends with a keyword.

Trigger Keywords: Set the keywords that will trigger the autoresponder. Currently, up to 100 keywords for each autoresponder slot.

Reminder: To add the keyword, you may press 'Enter' in your keyboard. Added keywords will appear on the right.

Autoresponder Message

Configure the message content and type, whether you wish to send an embed or plain text. All variables can be used.

Autoresponder Settings

Customize a variety of options to personalise the autoresponder, from channel cooldown and mentions to specific channels and roles.

Channel Cooldown: Define the channel cooldown in seconds between autoresponders for each channel.

Mention Users: Select whether you wish to mention the user triggering the keyword or not.

Channel Selection - Type: Choose whether to enable all channels except those whitelisted, or the selected channels.

Channel Selection - Channels: Select one or more channels you wish to trigger the message in according to the channel selection type.

Role Selection - Type: Choose whether to enable all roles except those whitelisted, or the selected roles.

Role Selection - Roles: Select one or more roles you wish users to have to trigger the autoresponder.

Reminder: Click on 'Add' in the right bottom corner to save your new autoresponder message.

Active Responders

Find the autoresponders and modify them as you wish. This will allow you to customise settings or make changes to previously saved autoresponders.


Explore the events within the Autoresponder module and customise them to your preferences. This allows you to fine-tune the events according to your liking. You can also enable or disable these custom events.

Warning: It's advised that you do not edit the event unless you have a good understanding of BotGhost and the Custom Event Builder. You can always reset the module to default if you should happen to make a mistake while editing the event.

Last updated