Select Menu

Inside of the Send or Edit a Message block, you are able to add select menus to your message.

Accessing Select Options

In order to access the options that were selected in your message, there are a few variables that you can utilize.



Returns the option that was selected, only appears when you have "Single Select" enabled. Example Return: 17392374


Returns the options that were selected in an array format, only appears when you have "Multi Select" enabled. Example Return: 123,852,187


Returns the length of options that were selected, only appears when you have "Multi Select" enabled.

Custom variable


The placeholder text that will appear on your menu without any options being selected. Variables are supported here.

The type of select menu that will appear on your message. All Discord's select menus are available.

Your menu will have simple text options which you can customize the label, description, emoji, and more.

Each basic select menu allows you to add up to 25 options. Here you can add and customize options of your select menu. Variables are supported in all fields.


The text that will be displayed on the option in your menu.


Additional information about your option that will appear on it's description once a user has opened the menu.


The value that is attached to this option, which will be used while accessing the option(s) that were selected on your option with the menu's variable. This is an optional setting, if no value is set then your option's label will be used as it's value.

Emoji ID

The emoji that will appear on your menu's specific option, you must provide a valid emoji id or a unicode formatted emoji for default discord emojis. This is an optional setting.

Hide Option

The option to make this specific option of your menu hidden or not, meaning it will not appear on your menu. Input true in order to hide the option or input false to show this option. If no value is set here, it will appear by default.

Enable Multiselect

This option allows users to select more than 1 option on your menu.

If this option is selected, users may only select 1 option at a time on your menu.

Custom Variable Name

Here you can assign a custom variable name to access the chosen option(s) of your menu. If you don’t specify one, the default variable {selected_option} will be used. This is an optional setting.

Disable Select Menu by Default

This field allows you to decide whether your select menu should be disabled by default.. Set the value to true if you'd like to disable your menu by default. This is an optional setting and defaults to false when left blank.

Show Select Menu Replies

The option to show or hide replies to the menu of your message. If you select this to "Hide Replies", only the user who used the menu can see replies to the menu. If selected to "Show Replies", replies to your menu will be able to be seen by everyone.

Enable Component Ordering

Enabled this option to order select menus in a specific row.


The row that the menu will be placed on, insert 1 to have the menu placed on the first row of components. A message can have up to 5 rows of either a select menu or 1 to 5 buttons, which is also known as lines of components.

Position Weight

The position that the menu will be ordered in on the row it was placed inside of. Menus that have a higher weight, meaning a higher number, will be placed first before other menus with lower weights. If you insert -1, this menu will not be added to your message.

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