Sharing Commands and Events

Share Codes

Share codes can be used to create a copy of a custom command or event. You can use it to import custom commands and events into other bots, or even other accounts. These share codes have different formats, a code that starts with "CMD" is a custom command while a code that starts with "EVENT" is a custom event. The steps below work for either a command or event.

Sharing a command to someone

To share a command to someone, you first need to create a share code. You can do so by pressing the "Generate Share Code" button on your custom command from the builder menu.

Importing a Command

To import a custom command, you can create a new command and press "Import command", you can then paste a share code. Then press "Import", it will then import a copy of the command.


Block Templates can be used to share a group of blocks from the command and event builder across your all of your bots. The blocks you can save include actions and conditions.

Creating and Saving a Template

To create a block template, you must hold the SHIFT key on your keyboard and use your mouse's left click to select the blocks you would like to save into your new template. After selecting the blocks you'd like to save, let go off your mouse's left click and then press the "Save as Template" button in the bottom right of the builder.

After pressing the "Save as Template" button, a menu will appear to finish saving. Here you may chose to edit an existing template you've created or create a brand new one. If you select to edit an existing template, your currently selected blocks will override the previous blocks and delete the previous blocks. The final step of saving your template is providing a name and description for the template. After doing so, you may press the "Save Template" button to finish the process of creating your block template.

Importing a Template

In order to use one of your created block templates in the command and event builder, you must click on the "Block Templates" button in the bottom left of the builder. After pressing this button, all of your created templates will appear here, you may click and drag onto one of your templates and drop it inside of your builder to add the template's saved blocks into your current command or event.

Deleting a Template

If you would like to delete one of your saved template's you must open the templates menu by clicking on the "Block Templates" button in the bottom left of the builder. After doing so, find the template you would like to delete and click on it. Once you click on your template you want to delete, a menu will appear making you confirm the deletion of your template, here you must press the "Delete Template" button to officially delete your template.

Last updated