Timed Messages

Send embed or plain text messages with scheduled intervals!

Note: This module makes use of the data storage and will use data calls to run. Information about the data storage can be found here.

The 'Timed Messages' module will have your bot send a message to channels at repeated scheduled intervals.

Module Settings

Created Timed Messages

New timed messages may be created within this part of the module.

Timed Message Name: The unique name for this timed event.

Channel Selection: Select any GUILD_TEXT or GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT channel in your server to send the timed message to.

Time Interval - Days: The delay amount in days between timed messages (If blank it defaults to 0)

Time Interval - Hours: The delay amount in hours between timed messages (If blank it defaults to 0)

Time Interval - Minutes: Choose a delay between 0 and 60 minutes with 5-minute intervals.

Timed Message Structure: Toggle the switch left and right to choose between a plain text or embedded message.

Message: Setup the contents of a plain text or embed message.

Block Stacked Messages: When the timed message is executed the bot will check if the last message in the channel was by your bot. If so it will skip the sending of this timed message.

Note: You may only have up to 20 timed messages configured in the module at a time.

Edit/Delete Timed Messages

Timed events already created in the module can be edited or deleted underneath the options to create a new timed message.

Editing/Deleting Timed Messages: To edit or delete a configured timed message press on one of the allowed 20 timed messages in the 'Active Timed Messages' part of the module. Pressing on one of these will allow you to edit the configuration of the timed message or delete it.


Here you can edit the event(s) for the timed messages module.

Timed Messages Handler: The main event used to trigger timed messages with the configured filters.

Warning: It's advised that you do not edit the event & command unless you have a good understanding of BotGhost and the Custom Event Builder/Command Builder. You can always reset the module to default if you happen to make a mistake while editing the event or command.

Last updated