Question Of The Day

Boost the engagement of your server with daily questions to answer!

The 'Question Of The Day' module will encourage members of your server to answer daily questions boosting activity.

Module Settings

Main Settings

QOTD Channel: This channel is where the daily question will be sent along with a thread for your members to answer the question in.

Mentioned Roles: Roles selected here will be pinged when the daily question is posted.

Private Mode: When enabled only people with the roles selected under 'Mentioned Roles' will be able to answer the question in the thread.

QOTD Announcement Message: The format of the daily question can be customized here, you can choose between an embed or plain text message. The variables {question} and {day} can be used to return the values of these variables in the message when it is sent.

Created Thread Name: The name of the thread that is created with the daily question, this thread is where the answers to the question can be sent.

Thread Archive Duration: Choose between one of the four options to customize when the thread will be archived when no message has been sent in the thread in the specified duration.

Thread Slowmode: When an amount in seconds is specified, users will be restricted to sending messages in this thread with the specified cooldown between messages.

Question Setup

Question Generation Setup: Choose the type of questions that are sent daily, either the ones built-in with the module or the custom ones you input.

Note: When selecting 'Customize Questions' a new field will be visible for you to input different questions separated with commas.

Skip Previously Asked Questions: When enabled all existing questions will be asked first before starting a new round. This can be used to prevent questions from being sent twice.


Pressing on the events below will give you the ability to edit the contents of the events.

QOTD Handler: This is how the questions are sent daily along with the threads with the questions.

Warning: It's suggested that the event or commands are not edited unless you have a good understanding of BotGhost and the Custom Event & Custom Commands Builder. You can always reset the module to default if you happen to make a mistake while editing the event/commands. You may do so with the red button at the top of the module page.

Last updated