
Notify your server members about starting Twitch streams, and look up streamers!

The Twitch module allows you to integrate notifications from Twitch right to your Discord bot, and notify your server members about starting Twitch streams of followed creators. In addition, there are 3 commands that you can use to retrieve a creator's profile, search for ongoing live streams based on keywords, and look up a creator's planned stream schedule.

Setting up Credentials

The Twitch module requires you to create an application on the Twitch Developer Portal, to communicate with the Twitch API. Follow the steps below to retrieve your Client ID and Client Secret, and paste them into the settings of the module:

  1. If you don't own a Twitch account currently, create a new account on the Homepage of Twitch!

  2. Go to the Settings - Security page of your Twitch account, and enable Two Factor Authentication under the Security section. We recommend using the Google Authenticator application for this, which is available both for iOS and Android phones!

  3. Head over to the Twitch Developer portal, and create a new application with a unique name and the details below.

  1. Go back to your Applications Overview on the developer portal, and click the "Manage" button next to the application you created. You'll see the Client ID of the application at the bottom of the page, and you can generate a new Client Secret using the "New Secret" button at the bottom of the page as well.

Notification Settings

Premium users can track and follow streams of up to 50 Twitch creators, which can be set up using the "Track New Streamer" slot input of the module. There are various inputs you need to configure to follow a creator:

Announcement Channel: Select a channel from a server your bot is already in, which will be used to send new stream notifications.

Tracked Streamer: Add the Twitch username of the creator you want to track in the slot you are configuring. This can be found at their profile, for example. You only need to add the username, not the whole URL.

Notification Roles: These roles will be pinged whenever a new stream is started by your tracked creator.

Notification Message: You can set up a custom embed or plain text message to notify people, whenever your tracked creator goes live. Use the variables in the description of the input to get data returned by the module.

Followed Games: Set up games to follow, to only send notifications about streams that interest you. Make sure to define the whole name of the game you are looking for, such as "Grand Theft Auto V".

Crosspost Message: If a new message is posted to your announcement channel, it will automatically be posted across all servers following the channel.


Twitch Profile: Get information about a Twitch streamer's profile details. Make sure to input their whole username, in the correct format. Twitch Search: Search for ongoing live streams, based on the stream's keywords, tags, title, and description.

Twitch Schedule: Check the pre-configured schedule of a Twitch streamer, and get the start and end times of their upcoming streams returned, along with the data of the streams.

Warning: it's advised that you do not edit the event unless you have a good understanding of BotGhost and the Custom Event Builder. You can always reset the module to default if you should happen to make a mistake while editing the event.

Last updated