
Notify your server members about starting Twitch streams, and look up streamers!

This module requires a Premium Subscription to function.

The Twitch module allows you to receive notifications from Twitch directly into your Discord bot of streams going live from specific streamers that you can choose to follow. In addition to receiving notifications, 3 commands are also available which you can use to get information on a specific streamer's profile, streams that are live at the moment from a specific keyword, and even the stream schedule of a streamer.

Setting up Credentials

The Twitch module requires you to create an application on the Twitch Developer Portal, to communicate with the Twitch API. Follow the steps below to retrieve your Client ID and Client Secret, and paste them into the settings of the module:

  1. If you don't own a Twitch account currently, create a new account on the Homepage of Twitch!

  2. Go to the Settings - Security page of your Twitch account, and enable Two Factor Authentication under the Security section. We recommend using the Google Authenticator application for this, which is available both for iOS and Android phones!

  3. Head over to the Twitch Developer portal, and create a new application with a unique name and the details below.

  1. Go back to your Applications Overview on the developer portal, and click the "Manage" button next to the application you created. You'll see the Client ID of the application at the bottom of the page, and you can generate a new Client Secret using the "New Secret" button at the bottom of the page as well.


Credential Setup

This section is where you should input your Twitch application's information.

Twitch Client ID

Insert the Client ID of your Twitch application here. Learn how to get an API Client IDin Setting up Credentials.

Twitch Client Secret

Insert the Client Secret of your Twitch application here. Learn how to get an Client Secret in Setting up Credentials.

Stream Notification Settings

If you have Premium, you can follow and track a total of 50 Twitch streamers at a time. You can set up a specific streamer to track by using the "Track New Streamer" area from the settings of the module.

Announcement Channel

Pick a channel from a server your bot is in, all notifications of streams starting from the selected streamer will be sent into that channel.

Twitch Username

Insert the username of the Twitch streamer you would like to track. You must put the exact username of the streamer. Example: "Ninja", without the quotes.

Notification Roles

Any roles added here will be pinged by your bot when a new stream gets started by the streamer you selected.

Notification Message

Here you can create and customize a embed or normal plain text message that will show the details of the starting stream from the streamer. The list of variables you can use which will return the information of the stream can be found directly above the message you are customizing.

Followed Games

Select certain games to track from the streamer you chose, only streams that have one of the games here will be sent out as a notification. Be sure to exactly state the game name as it is, an example is "Minecraft".

Crosspost Message

If the notification that is sent out for the starting stream is selected to an announcement-type channel, it will be posted automatically to all servers that follow the channel.

To save the tracked creator's settings, you need to click "Add" in the bottom-right corner of the settings. This will reset the fields so you can set up another tracked creator.

Tracked Creators

The list of streamers you have decided to track can be found here in a list format and can be edited to change the settings of each tracking you have created.

To save the edits you made on the tracked creator's settings, you need to click "Edit" in the bottom-right corner of the settings.

Notification Variables

The Twitch module provides several variables you can use in the Twitch notification message you setup.

These variables can only be used in the Twitch module.



Returns the username of the streamer.


Returns the link to the stream.


Returns the title of the stream.


Returns the image of the stream.


Returns the profile picture of the streamer.


Returns the game name of the stream.


In this area, you can view and modify the commands of the Twitch module. Below you may find some information on each command of the module.


Get details about a Twitch streamer's profile easily. Ensure you enter their complete username just as it is, such as "Ninja".


Check the stream schedule of a streamer by inserting their username. Start and end times of their upcoming streams will be returned along with other information.


In this area, you can view and modify the event of the Twitch module. Below you may find some information on each event of the module.

Twitch Handler

The custom event that handles the notifications for new, tracked streams that you follow. It checks for new streams every 3 minutes with a timed event so make sure to not delete the timed event or the event will no longer function. If you delete the timed event, you may reset the module to default in order for the custom event to function.

It's advised that you do not edit the commands and events unless you have a good understanding of BotGhost and its Command Builder. If you encounter any issues, you might want to reset the module for it to work again as intended.

Additionally, a copy of the edited commands / events will be created if you update the module.

Last updated