
Variables allow you to store data from API requests, action outputs, custom data and more. Variables can be used in almost every field of the actions and conditions custom command and event builder.

The available variables in your command-builder or event-builder may vary depending on the action, custom variables you have, API requests you use, and the event you might be using in case you are using the event builder. Here you may find some general information on what they are and how to use them.


You can add a target to your variable to get data of a specific user, channel, role or server (more targeting options are available when using Object Variables). To do so, add square brackets [] at the very end of your variable*. Make sure to add a valid ID, variable or option. See below for more info.

* Targeting is slightly different for object variables: the square brackets go before the first dot. For example, {Channel[ID].name} instead of {[ID]}.

Plain ID

You can use a plain ID as a target. This means the variable will always return the value of the same user, channel or role.

Below are some examples:

  • {user_icon[136327647792726016]}

  • {user_joinedAt[136327647792726016]}

  • {channel_name[1021852614725480448]}


In custom commands you can use an option for your target (make sure it's a valid variable type: you need to use user options if you want to target a user using a option). The variable name should be inside your square brackets [], without any curly brackets {} around it, and preceded by option_.

Below are some examples:

  • {user_icon[option_user]}

  • {user_joinedAt[option_player]}

  • {channel_name[option_channel]}

Variables Containing an ID

Lastly, you can also use other variables that contain an ID. Unlike options, make sure to paste the full variable inside your square brackets [], including the curly brackets {}.

Below are some examples:

  • {user_icon[{bot_id}]}

  • {user_joinedAt[{}]}

  • {channel_name[{BGVAR_my_custom_variable}]}

Storing Custom Data

Storing Data across all commands and events

If you want to store data across all commands and events, you can use the data storage, which allows you to store and retrieve data with different types of variables.

Storing Data in a command or event

You can also store data only in a specific command / event execution, meaning that once the execution of the command / event is completed, saved data will be deleted. This is useful to easily store temporary data. Check out the Set a unique variable page to learn more.


Object Variables

Some variables in BotGhost allow you to access properties of a larger object through dot notation. These variables start with a Capital letter and give you access to all the properties available on their respective Discord.js objects. Currently these objects are available:

  • {Guild}

  • {Channel}

  • {Member}

  • {User}

  • {Role}

  • {Invite}

Guild Variable

The guild variable gives you access to the properties of the guild (server) a command was used in or an event was triggered in. You can also access a specific guild by enclosing a guild ID in square brackets ({Guild[822426820447567872].name}).

Through dot notation, you are able to access all the properties of the Discord.js Guild Object.

For example:

  • {}

  • {Guild[822426820447567872].name}

  • {Guild.roles}

  • {Guild.bans}

  • {Guild.icon}

For a full list of properties make sure to checkout the properties section on the Discord.js Wiki.

Channel Variable

The channel variable gives you access to the properties of the channel a command was used in or an event was triggered in. You can also access a specific channel by enclosing a channel ID in square brackets ({Channel[1111802548312096778].name}).

For events this will be the channel associated with the event. For voice events this will be a voice channel.

Through dot notation, you are able to access all the properties of the Discord.js Channel Object. For voice events, you can access properties of the Voice Channel.

For example:

  • {}

  • {Channel[1111802548312096778].name}

  • {Channel.type}

  • {}

  • {Channel.position}

For a full list of properties make sure to checkout the properties section on the Discord.js Wiki.

Member Variable

The member variable gives you access to the properties of the guild member who used a command or triggered an event. You can also access a specific member by enclosing a member ID in square brackets ({Member[136327647792726016].avatar}).

Through dot notation, you are able to access all the properties of the Discord.js GuildMember Object.

For example:

  • {Member.user.username}

  • {Member[136327647792726016].user.username}

  • {Member.avatar}

  • {Member.roles}

  • {Member.presence}

For a full list of properties make sure to checkout the properties section on the Discord.js Wiki.

User Variable

The user variable gives you access to the properties of the user who used a command or triggered an event. You can also access a specific user by enclosing a user ID in square brackets ({User[136327647792726016].avatar}).

Through dot notation, you are able to access all the properties of the Discord.js User Object.

For example:

  • {User.username}

  • {User.globalName}

  • {User.avatar}

  • {User.banner}

For a full list of properties make sure to checkout the properties section on the Discord.js Wiki.

Role Variable

The role variable gives you access to the properties of a specific role, that can be either provided by a role ID or a role option. To access the object, enclosing a role ID in square brackets ({Role[905462520519745537].color}).

Through dot notation, you are able to access all the properties of the Discord.js Role Object.

For example:

  • {Role[905462520519745537].icon}

  • {Role[option_role].name}

  • {Role[{event_role_id}].hoist}

  • {Role[{my_variable}].position}

For a full list of properties make sure to checkout the properties section on the Discord.js Wiki.

Invite Variable

The invite variable gives you access to the properties of a specific invite to the server. You can access its information by enclosing a invite in square brackets ({Invite[botghost].expiresAt}).

Through dot notation, you are able to access all the properties of the Discord.js Invite Object.

For example:

  • {Invite[botghost].createdAt}

  • {Invite[9UPM6S4xyA].channel}

  • {Invite[{BGVAR_custom_variable}].maxUses}

  • {Invite[{my_variable}].uses}

For a full list of properties make sure to checkout the properties section on the Discord.js Wiki.

Basic Variables

Below are all basic variables that you can use in the command or event builder.

Supports Targets
Example Output


Returns the mention of the user



Returns the server name



Returns the mention of the channel



Returns the mention of a role on role name



Returns the mention of a channel on channel name



Returns the name of the channel





Returns the ID of the channel



Returns the first channel ID of the server



Returns the server member count



Returns a URL to the server icon


Returns the ID of the server



Returns the mention of the server owner



Returns the ID of the server owner



Returns the icon of a user


Returns the user name of a user



Returns the ID of a user



Returns the user tag of a user


Returns the discriminator of a user



Returns the creation date of a user

Fri Apr 08 2022 13:51:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Returns the join date of the server from a user

Fri Apr 08 2022 13:51:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Returns the display name of a user



Returns the status of a user



Returns a random number between min and max



Checks if a string of text is a number



Returns a random set of numbers



Returns the character count of a string of text



Checks if a user is a bot



Returns the server count of the bot



Returns a URL encoded version of a user name, useful when sending the user's name in API request's URLs



Returns a timestamp of the current time



Returns a timestamp of a certain number of hours ahead



Returns a timestamp of a certain number of minutes ahead



Returns a unix combination of the current time



Returns a unix combination of a certain number of hours ahead



Returns a unix combination of a certain number of minutes ahead



Returns a unix combination of a certain number of seconds ahead



Returns url encoded text for API requests



Converts an ISO timestamp to an UNIX timestamp



Converts an UNIX timestamp to an ISO timestamp



Converts a hex code to a decimal



Solve a math equation



Returns all previous numbers of a given number

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


Returns the ID of the bot



Checks if the user has a set of roles



Checks if the action is executed in a channel


{subString(Hello World),[0,5]}

Returns a substring of a given string



Returns the given text to upper case



Escapes the text provided to make it usable for API requests

Hello\nLine break


Returns the ping of the bot

36 ms


Returns the ID of the interaction with the bot. This can be used in API requests to reply to interactions



Returns the token of the interaction with the bot. This can be used in API requests to reply to

A string of characters

Error Variables

Those variables can be used with the error handler block or success / error handles when something goes wrong with your tree.



Returns the reason why the error occurred.


Returns the error message associated with the action the error occurred from.


Returns name of the block which the error occurred in.

Other Variables

You can view the available variables by checking the clipboard in the top right corner of each action. In the picture, the clipboard is indicated by the red arrow in a Plain Reply action.

The available variables in your command-builder or event-builder may vary depending on the action, custom variables you have, API requests you use, and the event you might be using in case you are using the event builder.


Event variables

Data storage variables

Form variables

API response variables

Error handler variables

You can use a set of variables when your command or event triggers an error. You can use these variables to get, for example, the error reason. They can be used only below the "Error Handler" red block.

Option variables

Unique variables

Success / error handler variables

You can use a set of variables when your action triggers an error. (If enabled) You can use these variables to get, for example, the error reason, message or action block.

Loop variables

Created channel variables

Created / edited thread variables

Invite variables

Manipulate some text variables

Last updated

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