Sticky Roles

Automatically re-assign roles to members that leave and re-join!

The Sticky Roles module will allow server members to regain some or all of their roles upon leaving and rejoining the server.


Role Settings

In this area, you can customize how the module functions.

Role Filtering Type

This is how you specify if certain roles should be added upon rejoining or excluded.


Ignored Roles

This selector is how you choose what roles should not be added when a user rejoins. Keep in mind that if this option is enabled, then all other roles besides the ones selected will be added to the user.

Allowed Roles

This selector is how you choose sticky roles that get added to a user when they rejoin. Excluding roles from the selector while this option is enabled will result in those roles simply not being added.

Ignore Moderation Actions

If this switch is enabled then the bot will ignore moderation actions, so if a user is banned or kicked it will still add them upon rejoining. However it is the opposite if it's disabled.

Send Direct Message

Here you may toggle whether members who get roles back upon rejoining will receive a direct message with a list of those roles.

Direct Message Setup

If the direct message option is enabled, then you can configure the message. The message can be toggled to plain text or embed type and will be sent upon rejoining along with the roles. You can use the {roles} variable to list all the roles that were added when the user rejoined.


In this area, you can view and modify the events of the Sticky Roles module. Below you may find some information on each event of the module.

Events of the sticky roles module
Leave Handler

This event stores the roles that a user had upon leaving the server into a custom variable.

Join Handler

This event re-assigns the stored roles that should be assigned according to the module's customization, and DMs the user if/with any roles were re-assigned (if enabled).

Last updated

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