Delete a Message

When triggered, the Delete a Message action deletes any message in a Discord server. This message can either be a message associated with the command or event it is used in, or set by its channel and message ID. All variables and options can be used in the channel and message ID fields.

Delete by Message ID or another Action

In the Delete a Message action, you have the choice for the message to be from another action, or set by its message ID.

Channel ID

Here you can set the ID of the channel the message you're deleting is in. You can do this by pasting an ID directly from Discord (learn how here) or using a variable that returns a channel ID. These can be easily added through the variable selector by clicking the Clipboard button.

Message ID

Here you can set the ID of message you're deleting. You can do this by pasting an ID directly from Discord (learn how here) or using a variable that returns a message ID. These can be easily added through the variable selector by clicking the Clipboard button.

Below is an example of a simple command that sends an Embed Reply, uses Wait before running another action to wait 1 second, and deletes the message.

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