Active Developer Badge

Get the Active Developer badge on Discord, without any coding or complications!

BotGhost provides an Active Developer Badge module for its users. This module will allow you to receive the Active Developer badge on your Discord profile.

Common Issues

Experiencing issues with the module? Check out the common issues below. If your issue is not listed in this page, make sure your module is updated to the latest version. If you are still experiencing issues with the module, join our support server to ask for further help.

Not eligible for the badge

Here are a few reasons why you may not be able to claim the badge:


Ensure that the command has been ran at least once in the last 30 days. Then follow the steps to claim the badge.


Make sure the command was ran more than 24 hours ago. As noted in the command response, it may take up to 24 hours for the system to register you using the command. Check back then.


You must be the owner of the bot. If you are a collaborator or manager of the bot you're using and you wish to claim the badge, Create Your First Bot and setup this module there.


Ensure your Use data to improve Discord setting is not disabled. Head to User Settings -> Privacy & Safety and enable this setting, then run the /active-dev-badge command again. See guide below.


In case you're still experiencing this issue, please contact Discord support.

Can't set a support server

Here are a few reasons why you may not be able to set a support server:


Ensure your server is a Community Server. You'll need to enable this setting by navigating to Server Settings -> Enable Community and following the provided instructions. You can view a comprehensive guide from Discord here.


To set a server as a support server, you must have a role with the Administrator permission enabled, or be the server owner.


In case you're still experiencing this issue, please contact Discord support.

Lost the badge after a while

Here are a few reasons why you may have lost your badge:


To keep the shiny badge on your profile, one or more of your bots must have a command run in the last 60 days. To reclaim the badge, run the /active-dev-badge command again and follow its instructions.


In case you're still experiencing this issue, please contact Discord support.

Haven't received the badge

Here are a few reasons why you may have not received your badge:


The badge is not distributed automatically. You'll need to claim it on the Discord Developer Portal prior to receiving it. You can access this link and check the status of the module by running /active-dev-badge.


If you're still experiencing issues, please contact Discord support


Command Settings

In this area, you can view and modify the settings of the Active Developer Badge module. Below you may find some information on each setting of the module.

Manager Permission

This setting allows you to manage whether users with the "Manage Server" permission in your Discord server can run the commands of this module.

Manager Roles

This setting allows you to manage which roles users must have to run the commands of this module.


In this area, you can view and modify the commands of the Active Developer Badge module. Below you may find some information on each command of the module.


The /active-dev-badge command allows you to receive the Active Developer Badge on your profile. Only managers and bot owners can run this command.

Last updated

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