Send a Message with attached buttons

The Send a Message with attached Buttons block can be used to send/edit a Message with buttons to a channel/direct message. Actions can be attached to each button separately. When a button is clicked, corresponding actions will be executed.

Message Type

This message action also has the option of being an embed or plain type.


The content of the action is the actual message that the bot should reply with when the action is triggered. You can use any variable or option in the content of this reply. These can be easily added through the variable selector by clicking the Clipboard button.

Response Type

In commands, by selecting this response type your Embed Reply message will be sent as a reply to the command. This will show who used the command and what command triggered the response. This reply can be hidden by selecting Hide Replies in the command settings, which can be accessed by clicking on the root node of the command (the block with the yellow border).


Reactions can be added onto both the Plain Text message or Embed message. Reactions can be added by using the selector field below the area to create the message.

These reactions will be automatically added to the message.

Hide Button replies

Button responses from actions connected can be hidden so that only the person who pushed the button sees them. This can be also chosen separately in any Reply Action by editing the main(yellow) block. By default replies are shown to everyone.

Add Button

To add another button simply click this:

Check out the Buttonspage for more information about buttons.

Optional Variable

You can also create your own variable that can be used anywhere in the command to get the ID of the message sent by the action. This is useful when using Send an API Request in your command / event and you need the ID of the message. Make sure that the name of the variable does not correspond to the name of a default variable or of an another action.

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