Voice Deafen or Undeafen a Member

Voice Deafen or Undeafen a Member.

The user must be connected to a Voice Channel to use this action.

The Voice Deafen or Undeafen a Member action block will allow you to deaf or undeaf the specified user, whether you wish to use a user option, an ID, or the user who triggered the command. You can define the reason and specify the server ID, optionally.

Block Settings

This action block contains one setting: Optional Server ID.


The user to deafen or undeafen in the Voice Channel.

The user who triggered the command: The user who triggered the command.

User option: The user option of a user you want to deaf or undeaf. You need to have a user option added to the command.

User ID: The ID of the user that you want to mute or unmute.

Mute or Unmute

Whether you wish to deaf or undeaf the user.

Optional Reason

An optional reason why the bot is deafing or undeafing this user. This reason will appear in your server's Audit Log.

Optional Server ID

An optional server ID to search for the user in. Leave blank to find the user in the server the command was triggered in.

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