Custom Variable Condition

This condition compares a custom variable to a value and run actions based off the comparison.

Configuration of at least one Custom Variable is necessary to enable the functionality of this Condition. You can create a custom variable in data storage.

Run multiple actions

This option allows you to set the condition to run multiple actions at the same time. This means if multiple conditions are met, then each true condition will be run simultaneously. When disabled, only the first met condition will be executed.

Custom Variable

Select a custom variable from this dropdown menu to add to the condition.


This field is where you input a value for the custom variable you chose above to be compared against. You can use variables and options in this field.


Both the user and channel targets can force the condition to target a specific user or channel for the basis of the condition.

User Target

The condition will target the custom variable of the user who used the command / event or whoever clicked a button / menu option.

Channel Target

This target will allow the condition to target the channel that the command / event was triggered in or where a button / menu option was clicked for the custom variable.

Condition Type

The condition type field is where you select what type of comparisons you would like for your custom variable and the value. Here is the list below.

Click the Add Condition block to add the comparison to your condition in the builder.​

By clicking on the newly added comparison that is now attached to the condition. You can edit it if needed by selecting it. You will be able to edit the Condition Type and the Value

Here is an example layout for this condition:

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