Changelogs 2024

You can find the latest updates and bug fixes for BotGhost on this page, as of 2024.

March - Early April Module Changes - April 9th, 2024

As always here is a list of all changes we pushed to our modules in the last month.


  • Fixed a issue that caused the response of the /birthday command to not work as intended

  • Fixed a bug that caused the bot to not update the timestamp correctly in some specific cases

  • Fixed an incorrect title in the /next-birthdays embed

  • Fixed a bug that caused {age} and {year} to not work in the birthday message

  • Fixed a bug that caused {age} to return as negative when using /birthday

  • Added middle timezones such as UTC+4:30

  • Admins can now set someone's else birthday

    • Users can now disallow admins to set their birthday using /birthday-view

  • Added a new default card

  • Fixed a spelling mistake in the birthday message

  • Minor fixes and improvements


  • Added a brand new default image card

  • Fixed an issue that caused to return the executor's name when targeting someone else using /rank


  • Added a new mode named "Command". This allows you to update the status of the bot with /status

    • Moved /status from the moderation module to the status module


  • General performance updates and improvements to the module

Sticky Messages

  • Fixed an issue with sticky messages that caused them to not be posted as well as fixed an issue preventing the use of linebreaks in messages


  • Fixed an issue that caused the YouTube module message to not work with a plain text message type

Statistics Channels

  • Fixed an issue with statistics channels that caused them to not work as intended

Birthdays Module - April 4rd, 2024

After months of waiting, one of the most requested modules is finally here, with a lot of exciting features! The birthdays module allows you a wide chance of settings and customization. You can set a timezone, change the time your bot will send the "Happy Birthday" message and even create a thread and add the user a temporary special role. Additionally, you can even setup a custom birthday card and a /birthday command that users can run when they're celebrating their own birthday.

Economy Module Rework & Minigames - March 14th, 2024

We have revamped the Economy module in BotGhost and added Minigames!


Here is a highlight of some of the new features:

  • Full shop system with items that interact with other commands

  • Job system with promotions that earn you higher salaries

  • /fish for a chance to earn money and items

  • Full lottery system with draws every 24 hours

  • Economy stats, including a small chance to earn collectibles when using certain commands

  • Full banking system that earns you interest on money in the bank

  • Daily bonus and currency for messages


We have added some awesome minigames:

  • Scratchcards - purchase a scratchcard for a chance to win

  • Dice Bet - Bet on a dice roll with increasing rewards based on the number of sides

  • Double or Steal - Play against another player and double the bet until someone decides to steal

  • Hangman - Play a game of hangman, you can add words too!

  • High Low - Guess if the hidden number is higher or lower than another number

  • Rock Paper Scissors - Play a game of Rock Paper Scissors with another player

  • Tic Tac Toe - Play a game of tic tac toe with another player

  • Blackjack - Play a game of blackjack

  • Match Pairs - Make matches on a game board, match the entire board to win!

  • Five Dice - Roll 5 dice 3 times and try to get as many dice of the same as possible

This economy and minigames module is available to free and premium users Note: /blackjack and /5dice require the use of emojis. You can add these to your server automatically using the /minigame-config command Enabling this module will automatically disable the old Economy Module

February Module Changes - March 2nd, 2024

In the past few weeks we released more changes to our modules. Here are them below.


  • Fixed an issue with rotating statuses

  • Fixed a spelling mistake in the settings page

  • Added a button that leads to the documentation page of the module


  • Added an option to add join roles after the user has accepted server rules

  • Added a button that leads to the documentation page of the module


  • Removed an unnecessary reply block from the tree of the Reaction Removed event

  • Fixed a bug that caused the module to not work properly if the message contained certain characters

  • Added a better error handling system

  • Added a button that leads to the documentation page of the module


  • Added Channel rewards, which work like role rewards, but are channel based

  • Added a new level card type named "Embed"

  • Fixed a bug that caused the rank command to not work as intended with some settings

  • Fixed a bug that caused role rewards to not be assigned properly when using edit-xp

  • Smaller changes and improvements


  • Fixed a spelling mistake in the suggest command

  • Fixed a bug that caused the system to not work across multiple servers

  • Fixed a bug that caused the module to not work properly if the message contained certain characters

  • Smaller fixes and improvements


  • Auto-react now allows the selection of emojis with a built-in emoji selector

  • Fixed a bug that caused the filtered keywords option to work backwards

Sticky Messages

  • Messages are now encoded in an updated way

Statistics Channels

  • Statistic channels will no longer display results of unsuccessful requests

Dashboard Saving Optimizations & Builder Input Improvements - March 1st, 2024

Saving Optimization We have changed the way bots are saved through the dashboard. This fix is aimed at larger bots which had problems saving due to the size of larger commands and events. If you had problems saving your bot in the past please log into the dashboard and force a save to reduce the size of your bot. Overall this change should make saving faster for all users. Variable Editor on all Inputs The variable editor clipboard has been added to all inputs that support it in the builder. This should make it much easier to use variables and options in all actions/conditions.

New Premium Module: Emoji Manager - February 25th, 2024

We are releasing a new server management module, that will help you manage emojis in your server. The module allows you to create new emojis, copy existing emojis from other servers to yours and restrict certain emojis to selected roles.

You're also able to configure role- and permission-based access, and customise the visual settings of certain commands. The key features of the module are copying emojis and restricting them to roles, as that's not available as a feature in the regular client. This new module is now available for all premium users.

Module Rewords: Translation and Autoresponder - February 23rd, 2024

We want to ensure that our users have the best experience with modules, while also being able to customise them to their liking. This is why we revamped both the Translation and Autoresponder modules, which are available now. The Translation module now uses DeepL as the main source, we've chosen this service due to it providing reliable translations. In addition, users will now need to use their own DeepL key for the module, with an option of 500.000 characters translated / month, free of charge. Please check the docs for steps on how to get a key. This rework is only available for premium users. The Autoresponder module now offers more options, such as channel cooldowns and choosing whether the user should be mentioned or not. This rework can be accessed by both free and premium users. Reword Modules:

Voice Actions - February 22nd, 2024

We are releasing 6 new voice related actions to the beta server. These action blocks are:

  • Join a Voice Channel

  • Leave a Voice Channel

  • Voice Move a Member

  • Voice Kick a Member

  • Mute or Unmute a Member

  • Deafen or Undeafen a Member

Welcomer Module Rework - February 21st, 2024

In order to make our modules list cleaner, as well as our features to be simpler to find, we have merged the Announcements, Welcome Banners and Auto-Role modules into a single one named Welcomer!

The module offers all features of older modules, which have been reorganized and improved. Along these features, you can now send a message when a user gets kicked from the server. You will now also be able to add up to 5 custom reactions to all join, leave, kick and ban messages. All options can be enabled or disabled, basing on your needs. Check out the new module here!

Thread Actions, Publish a Message Action, Bug Fixes - February 20th, 2024

Four new actions and some bug fixes have been added to the beta server. Thread Actions We have added 3 new thread related actions to make managing threads through your bot easier. This includes the Create, Edit and Delete Thread actions. Publish a Message The publish a message action simply publishes a message sent in an announcement or news channel. Bug Fixes

  • mobile embed builder fixed

  • discord invite links updated

  • copy clipboard icon added to missing blocks

  • fixed role update event from triggering un-necessarily

  • leaking data storage fixed

  • corrected placeholder text from showing on dropdowns if they have default values

  • fixed some issues with crashing module pages

  • IFTTT block now does not show up in all searches

Manipulate Text Action - February 29th - 2024

We have released an advanced new action block called the Manipulate some text action. The manipulate text action allows you to run a JS String function on some text and retrieve the result in a variable. You can see a list of string methods in the action or for more detailed descriptions check out the mdn web docs for string methods here.

New Module Rework: Status - February 16th - 2024

Today, we are releasing a new module Rework, status! This Rework comes with three new features: you will be able to use all BotGhost's variables, set a different time for each rotating status and a new option to remove the status as a status rotation.

This module is premium only. Please note: Enabling this module will disable and delete your old status.

5 Reworked Modules - February 12th - 2024

As we want to ensure the upmost stability, reliability and high level of customisability of our modules, we have reworked 5 old hard-coded modules: Twitch, YouTube, Statistic Channels, Timed Messages and the Active Developer Badge modules. These newer versions of the modules provide more options for you to customise, and can also be edited to your exact preferences thanks to the custom module system. To also ensure the Twitch and YouTube modules stay reliable, you'll need to provide your own API keys from now on. The creation of keys is free of charge at both providers, and we've put together documentation to guide you though the process. If you get stuck while setting up any of the modules, please always check the documentations linked below.

Reworked Modules:

Upcoming Custom Module Changes - February 10th, 2024

Data usage removed from Custom Modules Today we are announcing some upcoming changes to the way custom modules work on BotGhost. Previously, custom modules built with commands and events used data storage and custom variables in their operation. This means that free users quickly used up all their data storage for the month just by using custom modules. Today we are removing custom modules from the data storage system, meaning all custom module commands/events will no longer use data storage. This should simplify how the new modules work and keep custom commands, events and data storage separate from the BotGhost modules.

Custom Module Classification changes Due to custom modules no longer being restricted by data storage for free users, we are changing a number of our custom modules to premium for new users. This change will not take effect today and any users who currently have the 'free' version of these modules will not be effected as long as they do not update the module. The current modules being changed are:

Counting: (Free ▶️ Premium) ChatGPT: (Free ▶️ Premium) Image Generation: (Free ▶️ Premium) Modmail: (Free ▶️ Premium) Welcome Banners: Moved into Welcomer [Locked features] Verification: (Free ▶️ Premium) Sticky Messages: (Free ▶️ Premium) Discord Automod: (Free ▶️ Premium) Auto-react: (Free ▶️ Premium) Reaction Roles: Unchanged Starboard: (Free ▶️ Premium) Global Chat: Unchanged Roblox Verification: Unchanged Leveling Leveling

  • Level Card: (Free ▶️ Premium)

  • Voice EXP: (Free ▶️ Premium)

Polls: (Free ▶️ Premium) Temp Voice Channels: Unchanged Media Channels: Unchanged Invite Tracker: (Free ▶️ Premium) Suggestions: Unchanged Sticky Roles: Unchanged QOTD: Unchanged These changes will take effect from 12th of February for new users. All free users who do not update their modules after this date will keep the free version of these modules.

New Modules Over the next few days we will also be releasing a whole bunch of new custom modules replacing a number of the old outdated hard coded modules. Modules that were free will mostly remain free (Moderation, economy, Automod etc) in the future.


  • Custom modules don't use data storage anymore

  • Due to that a number of modules are going premium for new users

  • If you are a free user don't update these modules and you wont be effected

  • New custom modules coming out soon to replace old outdated broken hard coded modules.

January Module Updates - February 7th, 2024

Hey everyone! During the last month, we released some changes to our modules. Here's a list of all of them:

Released a fix:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the starboard message to not be posted

A bug has also been fixed in the leveling module:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the {level} variable to show "0" in the level up message instead of the actual level with some specific settings

The following changes have been released to the new Suggestions module:

  • Added an option that will lock the thread when a suggestion has been approved or accepted

  • The "Vote Registered" direct message has been removed

  • Fixed a spelling mistake in the settings page

  • Fixed an issue that caused some suggestions to not be posted

  • Fixed an issue with the reactions handler not removing the "neutral" reaction when the suggestion is upvoted or downvoted

New Premium Module: Question of The Day - January 30th, 2024

A new module that asks daily questions from your server members automatically has been released, with the intention of improving your server retention rates in a fun way. The bot will ask a question every 24 hours, and create a thread for your users to send replies.

While the module comes with pre-written questions by default that don't require any setup, you also may choose to add your own questions. Additionally, you can customise the daily message, set up various thread settings, make sending answers private and you can select roles to ping for the daily message.

This module is now available for all premium users.

New Premium Module: Sticky Roles - January 9th, 2024

We have developed a new module, that allows you to save the roles of members if they leave, and give them back once they rejoin.

The module can be customized in a few ways, you can choose not to save roles of the user was kicked or banned, you can whitelist or blacklist roles to save, and you can set up a custom direct message, with a list of roles that the user got back that is sent once they rejoin.

Sticky Roles is only available for users with an active premium subscription.

New Year, New Bug Fixes - January 5th, 2024

Quite a few bugs were fixed last year, here is just a list of them.

  • Can leave the command builder successfully after a save.

  • Updated wording on the variable page to a more appropriate title.

  • The logging module now displays the default channel you selected to apply to all channels (you just need to re-set it in order to display).

  • {channel_id{ variable now works as intended.

  • You can interact with elements inline with the save container.

  • Mobile popups and modals now appear on top of the premium banner.

  • Fixed a visual bug with the logging channel not being able to disable events when premium is no longer active on the bot.

  • Duplicating a Create a Channel block now correctly creates a new ID when you duplicate it.

  • Added the {api.responseText} variable to the API/Request builder.

  • Permissions for channels now only show the permissions that are permitted in a channel.

  • Long channel and role names now display correctly in channel/role selectors.

  • The Request Builder modal now displays correctly on mobile devices.

  • You can now compare decimals with the comparison condition.

  • Missing permissions will now work as intended.

  • Mute logging event now shows the correct type of mute, whether it was self mute or a moderator mute.

  • Target selector for remove role how shows the correct description.

  • The mobile menu now displays on top of the premium banner.

  • Ticket emoji now displays correctly when creating a ticket.

  • Variables can be used in create/edit role colour input.

  • Channel topic can now take variables in the create or edit blocks.

  • The correct number of fields now display when loading in an embed in the embed builder.

  • Character count displays the correct value for the text box.

  • Permission condition now shows the correct description for the user target.

  • Form builder now shows correctly on mobile.

  • Various mobile and desktop UI fixes and updates.

  • You can now enable/disable the twitch module.

  • The reload/refresh bot data icon now spins.

  • A go back button has been added to the variable page to easily go back to the main data storage page.

  • A better indication that you need to press the bot data reload button has been added.

We also added a new Merge Permissions option to the Edit Channel action in the builder where you can now merge channel permissions so it does not overwrite the permissions, rather only create/edit/remove the permissions that you specified.

New Premium Module: Suggestions - January 3rd, 2024

New year, New module!

BotGhost is starting 2024 with a fresh, new module, suggestions! The new module replaces the old /suggest command located in the moderation module, expanding and improving its features. The module offers a high level of customization, allowing you to setup logging, an auto approve / deny system and even an approval channel, where all suggestions will be sent before being posted in your suggestions channel.

This module is premium only.

Last updated