Payment Methods

The following Payment Methods can be used to purchase a Premium subscription

Available Payment Methods

All Premium subscriptions can be purchased using the below-listed payment methods. A Premium subscription can only be purchased via your bot's dashboard. BotGhost is unable to accept any direct money transfers through your bank, PayPal, or any likewise method. A Premium subscription can be purchased using:

  • PayPal

  • Credit / Debit card (Must include a CVV/CVC)

  • Apple Pay

  • Google Pay

Some payment methods might not be available to you due to local or international restrictions or limitations. PayPal offers a wide range of features which may vary per country. You can create a free credit card at (BotGhost is not affiliated with Revolut).

Important Note: 💡 We can't make exceptions and offer you a different payment method than our standard payment methods mentioned above.

Should you have any questions about BotGhost's billing or subscription, please reach out to us at or join our Discord server at to create a ticket.

Last updated