Send a message to a channel
The Send a message to a Channel action when triggered has your bot respond with a message sent to a specific channel chosen. This message can either be sent to a specified channel, a channel ID, or a variable containing a channel ID. Additionally, the message sent can be either a Plain Text message or an Embed message. All variables and options can be used in the content of the reply.
Message Type
The message type is how you can choose between having the bot send a Plain Text or Embed message.
Reactions can be added onto both the Plain Text message or Embed message. Reactions can be added by using the selector field below the area to create the message.
These reactions will be automatically added when the message is sent.
Channel Type
With this channel type, a drop-down menu will be displayed with all the channels the bot has access to. One of these channels can be selected for the message to be sent.
Optional Variable
You can also create your own variable that can be used anywhere in the command to get the ID of the message sent by the action. This is useful when using Send an API Request in your command / event and you need the ID of the message. Make sure that the name of the variable does not correspond to the name of a default variable or of an another action.
You can copy the variable by clicking the clipboard icon in the section right below the optional variable field.
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